Saturday, April 9, 2016

Cardinal Timothy Dolan Is Still In Power.....Was Able To Read Amoris Laetitia In The Comfort Of His Favorite Armchair In His 5,000 Square Foot Mansion On Madison Avenue

Laymen Gary & Dave are still unable to dethrone Cardinal Timothy Dolan:

Dave's threatening posts against a Cardinal:

While at Our Saviour Church in New York a Hindu "service' of worship to the devil is permitted to take place before the Holy Altar of the One, True, God. Timmy Dolan attends the Rockettes and lifts a leg. Well, if I meet Timmy Dolan one day, I'll bring Roxy with me and she can lift hers too. Right on his. Of course, it could have been worse. He could have visited the Why Em See, Eh.

Monday, 14 December 2015 Stonewall Dolan - What are you hiding? Why did you let the sadomasochistic sodomite priest to defame Our Lord?

Cardinal Dolan, you deserve wherever this leads and may it lead to your downfall and a cleansing. How dare you, after all that has gone on with homosexuals in the priesthood raping and sodomising young boys and men, yes, HOMOSEXUALS DID IT, -- how dare ignore the faithful and allow this filthy pervert who paid to have someone urinate in his mouth, offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. What sacrilege. What filth. Trading the Precious Blood for urine! Did you felch him too? And a thief on top of all the perversion. I truly hope this brings you down and all those sodomites with you.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016 The Sodomite network in New York includes a Cardinal - Michael Voris breaking it open!

Do not think that this is only in New York. As a friend said to me after viewing this, "all we need to do is change the names!" No, it it is not only in New York. Seriously, this video and the others that will surely follow, are going to send shock waves around every chancery. It is time for people who know something to come forward. If the bishops won't deal with this filth, then it is up to us. If you know something and do not work to stop it, you are complicit. Will this encourage others to come forward with what they know? voxcantoris (at) rogers (dot) com I'll refer you on to Michael.

Friday, 18 March 2016 Timothy Dolan - The Joker of New York continues on his gay way.

The hypocrisy of those who wear green is grotesque only outdone by the buffoon in red. The "snakes" driven out of Ireland were the Druid sodomites. Dolan now disgraces a parade in honour of the Saint of Ireland with them. Dare we ask; is Dolan a sodomite?

Friday, 18 March 2016Timothy Dolan - The Joker of New York continues on his gay way.

The hypocrisy of those who wear green is grotesque only outdone by the buffoon in red. The "snakes" driven out of Ireland were the Druid sodomites. Dolan now disgraces a parade in honour of the Saint of Ireland with them. Dare we ask; is Dolan a sodomite?

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