Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Treatise Of Antichrist: The Disputation Of Antichrist Is Propounded, And The First Argument From The Name It Self Discussed - M. Downams Answer Confuted II


Wherein the Disputation of Antichrist is propounded.

M. Downams Answer confuted


Now whereas he affirmeth, that the conceits of the alder Papists who lived in the days of our forefathers, concerning Antichrist, were mere dotage, he only sayth it, and thereby discovered his spiteful spirit, which provoke him to rail without reason, and to slander against all truth.

For the Catholics of former days, held the very same, that we do now, though they explicated not themselves so fully, as Bellarmine and others do now.

In which respect only these may in some sort be truly called the reformers of Popery, that is, the explicates and conformers of Catholic doctrine against heretics.

But the reason of this difference betwixt the elder and the later writers is evident, for in their days Heretics were not so impudent as to urge so palpable and gross errors, as they are in our time: for otherwise, Bellarmine sufficiently declareth the antiquity of his doctrine, by proving whatsoever he sayth by the authority of the ancient Fathers.

Now whether many have contributed to Bellarmines books, or no, it is little to the purpose, though the truth is, as those know that are best acquainted with his studies, that they are all his own labors.

And that this may not seem strange, M.Downam may easily inform himself, that divers other of his order, that lived in the same time, and some in the same place, have in diers kinds written as large volumes, as Bellarmine hath in this. Whereof Salmeron, Tolet, Valentia, Molina, Suarez, Vasquez, and others amy serve for example.

Well to come to the M.Downam seemeth to allow of Bellarmine method and division,since that he objected nothing against it, but cometh presently to his first argument.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Treatise Of Antichrist: The Disputation Of Antichrist Is Propounded, And The First Argument From The Name It Self Discussed - M. Downams Answer Confuted I


Wherein the Disputation of Antichrist is propounded.

M. Downams Answer confuted


First M. Downam telleth us of two great advantages that Bellarmine hath against him and all protestants in this point.

1. In respect of his great learning & much reading.
2. In that he is to prove the negative part, so that it is enough for him,if he can but show plainly and evidently,that any one several & essential mark ascribed unto Antichrist in the scriptures, doth not agree to the Pope.

All which we willingly acknowledge,and from hence do infer M. Downams ignorance and impudency, that whereas it had been enough for Bellarmine to have disproved him in one point, it is not enough for him that he is disproved in all, as the Reader will easily perceive in pursuing the particular arguments.

Likewise we acknowledge the controversy to be of that importance and consequence,that it manifestly convinceth them to be the limbs of Antichrist who are in error concerning this point: for this consequence doth not only touch us,if we were in the wrong, as M. Downam seeth to insinuate by only naming us, but it concerneth them also as fully,since that it is evident that none but heretics can charge any, and much less the chief Pastor of Christs Church,with so foul an imputation.

Now how true it is, that all heretics are limbs of Antichrist, I need not show, since that it is granted on both sides.

And therefore it behooveth M. Donam and his fellows to have as great a will to clear themselves in this behalf, as it doth us, and so much the more also, because we are but the defendants, and they are the slanderous calumniators; & likewise, for that some of their insolence and rash boldness in this assertion.

Friday, November 14, 2014

A Treatise Of Antichrist: The Disputation Of Antichrist Is Propounded, And The First Argument From The Name It Self Discussed ~ By Michael Christopherson (Walpole) Priest 1613 CHAPTER 1 BOOK XII


Wherein the Disputation of Antichrist is propounded.

Book XII

Lastly so also expoundeth it in his Thesaurus linguna Graca Henricus Stephanus, who notwithstanding is one of the heretics of Geneva.

Hence we have our first arguement against our adversaries.

For since the name of Antichrsit signifieth the enmey and emulous of Christ, and subject to Christ in all things, and in no sort saith, that he is Christ, nor maketh himself equal to him, it is manifest, that he is not Antichrist.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Treatise Of Antichrist: The Disputation Of Antichrist Is Propounded, And The First Argument From The Name It Self Discussed ~ By Michael Christopherson (Walpole) Priest 1613 CHAPTER 1 BOOK XI


Wherein the Disputation of Antichrist is propounded.

Book XI

Thirdly out of all the Authors who have written of Antichrist, and out of the common sense of all Christians, who by Antichrist understand a certain notable false Christ.

In which sort expoundeth also this word of the ancient Greeks St. Damascen fide cap.28.and after the same manner doth St. Jerome expond it of the Latins, who notwithstanding was also most skiful in the Greek tongue, quest.11. ad Algasiam.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Treatise Of Antichrist: The Disputation Of Antichrist Is Propounded, And The First Argument From The Name It Self Discussed ~ By Michael Christopherson (Walpole) Priest 1613 CHAPTER 1 BOOK X


Wherein the Disputation of Antichrist is propounded.

Book X

Secondly the same is proved out of the Scripture:for although this name were of itself ambiguous,yet as it is taken in Scripture It is not doubtful: and our question must not be of the word****** absolutely,but as it is taken in the Scriptures.

Now in the Scriptures, Antichrist is said to be him who is extolled above all that is called god, 2.Thess.2. which certainly is not to be the Vicar,but the enemy of Christ. And 1. Joan.2. Antichrist is said tobe him, who denieth Jesus to be Christ,that he may sell himself for Christ.

And Matth.24. Antichrist is said to affirm himself to be Christ, which certainly is not the part of a Vicar, but of an Emulous.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Treatise Of Antichrist: The Disputation Of Antichrist Is Propounded, And The First Argument From The Name It Self Discussed ~ By Michael Christopherson (Walpole) Priest 1613 CHAPTER 1 BOOK IX


Wherein the Disputation of Antichrist is propounded.


Now that doth αντίχρατηγος not signify the Captains Vicar, but ordinarily a contrary Captain, as αυτιξζατηγδζ is to make war, and sometimes him that is in the Captains place, not subject to him, but as equal, as among the Latins, Propraetor or Proconsul doth not signify the Vicar of the Pretor or Consul, but him that is in some Province, that which the Pretor or Consul is in the City:and in this Musculus was deceived; for because he read in Budacus that doth signify a Propretor, he thought that it doth signify the Vicar of the Pretor, which is false.